Don’t get lost in the technical weeds. Improve your funnel strategies for less expensive ads, more landing page traffic, higher conversion rates, more qualified leads, increased sales, and better customers.
Brand-centric content removes the guesswork, writer’s block, and confusion of scattershot marketing. It adds focus to your outreach, simplifies execution, and helps people remember your special sauce.
If you run a service business, you’re well aware that word-of-mouth referrals are your main source of new business. So why not craft a simple customer referral marketing strategy?
There are easy ways to improve landing pages, increase conversion, and lower your cost per lead. Small improvements in landing page performance lead to significant increases in ROI.
The problem is this: people associate graphic designers with the tools they use. And that devalues the designer (and Design at large). Just because you can use Photoshop and mash pixels, doesn’t mean you’re a designer.
On-page SEO and technical optimization aren’t crucial to rankings anymore. It’s no longer about individual keywords. But having a keyword strategy is still as relevant as ever.
When it comes to content marketing, I’d recommend social media over search. Personally, I get way better engagement via social. Sure, lots of Google visitors to your website is nifty. But if they don’t convert into customers or engage with your content, what’s the point?
I love the 80/20 rule. It’s a time-tested principle that feels so warm and fuzzy in the business world. Knowing that I can supercharge my results by doing fewer things is fantastic.
If you’re currently a designer, stop being a designer. Be a design expert. If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, take a close look at your brand. What does your design say about your business?
Sometimes it’s difficult to articulate your service in a memorable way. Using analogies can help add clarity to what you do and help people understand.
Nothing beats brainstorming for coming up with fresh ideas and refining concepts. Brainstorming is a terrific technique to ensure that ideas are complete and interesting.
Front-loading is like blitzing. The idea is to go bananas at the beginning of a project and rush it. Rather than saving your long hours for a deadline push, you do them first.
I recently sent a promotional email to my mailing list. The results were remarkable. It wasn’t just effective, it was over-the-top successful. It was an uber email.