Current Pricing

$70 per hour (or flat project rate)

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most affordable marketing channel for small businesses. It also has the second highest ROI in the marketing kingdom. It’s a great place to start with digital marketing.

HTML email design

  • Copy editing
  • Professional design
  • Responsive HTML code
  • Higher open rates
  • More clicks

Starting at $200
“I already have marketing materials and want to see better results. Let’s get started by redesigning one of my existing templates and see what the numbers tell us.”

New email marketing campaign

Starting at $750
“I want more engagement from my email marketing. Let’s start a fresh campaign and drive my mailing list to a promotion on my website.”

Website Redesign

Redesign costs less than half the price of developing and marketing a new site.

Upgrade: front-end redesign

  • Professional Web design
  • Front-end development
  • Mobile-friendly and responsive
  • Fast page loads and optimized performance
  • User-centered design strategy
  • Logo redesign (if necessary)
  • Usability enhancements
  • On-page SEO

Upgrades starting at $2,500
“I just want my site to look and work better. I’m most concerned with quality design. Let’s go for twice the site right now and focus on conversions later.”

Overhaul: new content and development

  • Everything included with a front-end redesign
  • Brand identity design and messaging
  • Sales funnel development
  • Traffic segmentation and user flows
  • Analytics, split testing, and tuning
  • Data-driven content upgrades
  • Monthly online marketing consultation
  • Professional copywriting

Overhauls starting at $6,000
“I want priority attention, immediate gains, and long-term success. Give me the whole package: exceptional design, development, branding, sales, and marketing.”

Redesign. Not Web Design.